Thursday, February 19, 2009

Inadvertantly Exiled:Consumed by Own Plight

Hey you
I know your not reading this but
I'm used to writing and
posting about things in my life
A online journal provided me with a way to communicate with other people

that all ended when Journalspace went down

now I take my own counsel
it says do not bother
with other people
what's the point?
for some reason it really doesn't matter to me

unfortunately unlike
most people
I have no offline friends or family
that I interact with

sometime I think(most Times?) this
because I am a very selfish person
I am so consumed by my own plight

I really don't know though

There were times when I stayed in the same place for a few years
and got to know a few people
but I would leave and then never get in touch

for the self-imposed Isolation
of some distasterous relationship

and the tequila and the lithium and the easing
back into the routine of failing in school

but college then
let's you go free

all those years working as a nursing assistant
and just surviving
really I guess hiding
or being left alone

oh fuck it

Low THC levels responsible for ADHD and general lack of motivation

I don't even want to post this

fuck it